St. Aug Playing " All of the Lights" @ Jamboree vs. Enda Karr 2011

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  • I see some Walker folks can't be objective....haterade is a terrible

  • Dont hate cuz thy sound actually looking forward to if yall battle ths year...


  • Shit Pooh
  • damn they got big nd why in the hell is the dumbline infront of the band they would be way louder

  • no they not on e-flat horns no mo they on f horns
  • Pretty good to be a high school!! Could've went without the intro. Wish they would've started the song at 1:04 tho. NICE!!!!
  • @Keem and ArthurF. looks like I'm the only alumnus to have posted a comment on this video, which means there are 5 other people, not including myself, so far who think that way about St. Aug. Come on fellas, St. Aug grads and current students gave Walker their props on their Jamboree vids, it's time to give the boys credit where it is due, and keep the envy to a minimum.
  • GREAT arrangment! it was bumpin
  • St aug pretty good this year from the new clips I'm seeing but I'm not feelin this arrangement, but they good for their age cause they got some YOUNG people in there band.
  • @ keem. Dnt wrry if yu read all their comments youll see only ppl who went there think that about them. Really tho
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