St. Aug playing "Vehicle" @ Jamboree vs. McMain 2009

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  • Milby has a Better Version!


  • That's my boy in that T-Bone section! Great job ya'll ! Thanks for giving us old heads something to jam to while at the game. Vehicle was a hit back in the day!
  • Wow, good quality sound - this is what sets you apart, keep it up
  • like this song ya'll sound good
  • Good job. I would like to hear them play this later in the year. Should sound even better then. Good selection. Continue to be original Aug. That's what bands in the city need more of. Originality.
  • this my song right hea... my lil brotha holdn that tbone sec down as sec leader since i passd that torch to him good job..
  • augmello11----------------------this IS NOT the theme from the "ROCKY" movie(original/1) which is "Gonna Fly Now"/Rockys Theme from 1976.......................

    "Vehicle" came out n about 1970....................2 totally different songs..............
  • nice...vehicle (rocky theme)
  • good job
  • do they have any vids from Mcmain???? oh iight
    but good job MCM
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