St. Aug vs 35 9/11/10 part 4

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St. Aug vs 35 9/11/10 part 4 Last songs of the night (including the alma mater)

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  • progress is key!
  • That last song before alma matter aint no joke. I miss da aug. Good job yall
  • Bruh, this is what I call a complete band. They are not lacking in any of there sections. Most of the city bands have either a strong mello/b-tone section, but they don't have trumpets and woodwinds or a strong t-bone section and that's it. To be completely honest, this band would've taken out most of the Pre-Katrina bands we always talk about.
  • i forgot how pretty the alma mater sound
  • Good LAWD!!! I didn't think i would be giving this statement so soon, but I believe Da Aug is BACK!!!!!!! I think it's bout time for them to go national again.
  • Da Aug...........Nice section breakdowns

    Im proud of my school

    Mr. Creole
    C/O '90 Trpts
    ya heard me
  • Yes Indeed!!!
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