St. Augustine High School @ Southern Regional National Championship BOTB 2012

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Southern Regional National Championship BOTB 2012 Be Sure to Watch In HD!!!!!!!! Small Divison 1. Lutcher 2. Jeanerette Medium Divison 1. East Feliciana 2. H...

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  • Awesome................

  • A great show!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • So after watching that show, I'll say that, that was one of the best that I've ever seen. I marched for both the Rose Bowl and the Macy's Day Parade. We were in countless BOTBs and placed "Best Overall" in them all! And that was STILL one of the best shows that I've ever seen! I'm proud of those boys and couldn't be more proud to be a Purple Knight! Congrats Fellas! Be extremely proud of your effort!

    Chris Quest -DM '06

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