SU- Fly Like a bird ft The only FEMALE of Funk Factory

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if she was not the 1st correct me. if she was the only, Plz tell me she is Funk

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  • She is not the first, but definitely the 1st to wear the "S"
  • she don't march
  • the fiffth quarter should be over with put up the new southern clips
  • ft means feature! the feature is the chic.
  • ft?
  • I usually see her at the home games with j jones
  • She is over at Mck With Keath that played t-drum
  • I remember this like it was yesterday fall 05 vs alcorn
  • Man her name should be carved in the walls.

    Better yet they should name a new cadence after her.

  • Yes!! And Can Play I was There
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