SU vs TnSU 5th Quarter Battle

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  • OMG!!! SU killed that " MY, MY, MY"!!! That was ridiculous!!!
  • SU all day baby!!!!!
  • We're not even debating that we took the L in the 5th, we know that...but during the game? Did SU get the W by default or something?

  • Im glad Im not the only one who saw that. #1 livin in double standards.
  • Ok, so obviously if this


    "Once again, we do not play throughout the game because we are there to support the team."


    is true then that means that this


    "we smashed yall during the game"


    is false...that's all we're saying. Ya'll gotta pick one and stick to it.

  • Boy, ya'll TNSU are going to great lengths to try and scratch a win out of a clear loss. Once again, we do not play throughout the game because we are there to support the team. Our time is pre-game, halftime, and post-game. We'll take advantage of the breaks during the game(timeouts, touchdowns, sometimes in between plays), but we will never just throw caution to the wind.
  • We actually got house in Mumford, which ya'll claim never happens.


    In fact, I wish I had a tape recorder to record what was being said by YOUR fans in Mumford while we crunk up during that 3rd quarter...

  • Man please 09 SU got TNSU, that takes nothing for the fact the a good band but there was not intensity in the 2009 battle for TNSU maybe this year maybe it will be different.
  • Tennessee State receiving more house for their halftime show in Nashville? Obviously your fans are going to save their cheers for your band. They felt bad from the way ya'll got handled in your own gym. Ya'll are just trying to save face and not admit total defeat. We can easily admit that ya'll won 2007(minus the halftime because our show was classic), but 2008 and 2009 was not close.
  • So we judge bands by the number of songs they played during the game? If you pay attention, you would notice that we do not play throughout the entire game because there is an actual football game going on. We weren't just louder than ya'll, it was a complete win in all categories. Ya'll just approached that 2008 meeting like it was going to be like the 2007 battle. And like I said, it could have been much worse.
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