SWD/REDAN Vise Versa 2010

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SWD Vice Versa from across the field, then Redan's from their side

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  • And I'm not goona lie, Redans tubas got that nice crispy tone like Cookmans tubas.
  • Oh, I'm trippin', meant to say Redan. SWD was the band with the trumpets trying to scream and hanging over. Redan sounded way better.
  • please note that the camera is on Redan's side of the field while we were playing and when they played.
  • Eh, SWD sounded better.

    Redan sounded louder.

    I go with the band producing better tones, SWD, but both bands are pretty good. Gotta give it to them Atlanta bands.
  • yea they are but its sooo boring dats ridiculous
  • *spell check*
  • ive never known SWD to be about power...........................??...influenenced by Famu right...
  • aye man im sorry i gota disagree with u all those member swd did got and there not pushin no watts too the other side i was at the game sittin wid me was sum alumni and we all agree redan was the better band redan does need improvements but swd just only had balance and blend no power at all
  • Redan sucks..of course swd got it
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