the New NOASB Single Again with OPW and StA

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  • man no is going to be the beast
  • Good job to the NOASB. It doesnt matter how loud you can blow, it only matters if you can play, hold a note, have tone quality, OH, and if you can READ A NOTE. Alot of those big POWER bands had alot of people who could BLOW all day, but couldnt read a note to save their life. Much respect and keep it rolling. c/0 2000 Mighty Marching Mustangs-TUBA Section Leader, Ol School. Memebr of the 1ST and still the best NOASB that ever came out. Step ya game up young musicians.
  • mcmain,raboiun,doug,carver,st.aug and who eva else wuz there wuzin fukin wit me only niggas tht wuz went 2 walker reed btone section leader
  • i was in that thang myself screaming like yonk co-section on trumpet at mcmain ,reppin for tha mustang family not alone tho.we sounded gud tho
  • dis shit sound good boi u hear dem screamin trumpets in da beginnin
    i was doin it 2 along with lik 6 otha 1's 4 sho lik yonkk
  • We sount good as hell,,...
    but this aint a all-star band ...
    all- star means the best and some ppl wasn't up to par...
    But if we keep practicing we can be the best together & individually...

    McMain DrumMajor & B-tone savage
  • its sounds ok,
    its not what an allstar band should be ,
    esp. not a all star band from new orleans,
    we have a rep to protect,
    i didnt march that day but im a part of the band.

    -McMain's drum major
    former trumpet sec. leader. 08-09.
    dont under estimate us.
  • this shit sound good.
  • i was in dat thang yu kno ...
  • naw...
    all yall Boys need to kome to lli
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