Thurgood Marshall 2004-2005

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Marshall and some other stuff

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  • big up 2 reed band lol
  • tha only footage of my years I ever saw after I graduated from Marshall was from my 8th grade year when we challenged Phillips @ d'Etat...of course, Brooks always showed us stuff from our performances while we were there, but he be keepin all of it to himself now lol. He probably got bukku tapes from all our years under lock & key
  • Before i find your years i need to find my years 02-03 and 03-04 lol
  • Marshall's best band years in my opinion was probably 98-99 (tha year before I got there) and a tie between 99-00 (my 7th grade year) and  00-01 (my 8th grade year)
  • if u could find footage from my 2 years @ Marshall (99-00 and 00-01) u da man Garrett lol
  • i went there when it was P.G.T Beauregard
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