TnSU vs SU JMC 5th rd1 2011

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  • it was lettin me at first on my laptop then someone skyped me and booted me offline when it was at 85% uploaded. When I was doin the 4 parts idk what happened. Part 1 uploaded but the rest of em failed.
  • There's got to be a way to do it on Youtube.  They have band footage that's an hour plus on there.  So, it's possible.  Now, "how?"...*shrugs*

  • rd 1 SU
  • Ok. Imma try this again. Had to do some editin cause youtube wouldnt let me upload the whole 35 min. Then I broke it down to 4 parts & it wouldnt let me. Now its down to 7 rounds. Lets see how this works out.
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