TSU Jazz Ensemble

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TSU Jazz Band to Play in Monterey Jazz Festival

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  • thanx 4 da post bro....We gon do our thang up dere...
  • yeah i know.. thats all they needed for gig though.. i gotta buy that cd mayn
  • Thats not da whole band... it was just a lil sumtin 4 da show....What Skool R U From????
  • Great job on being invited to the Monterey Jazz Festival TSU! I have two points of constructive criticism though:

    1. If you are going to a JAZZ festival and are asking contributors to support JAZZ, then you should play a more distinguishable Jazz tune. I mean you guys didn't even play a head until the end.

    2. Real talk, the only person who came to play on that show was the alto player. It sounded like HE wanted to 'make it happen', but everybody else just kinda hopes it'll happen (This coming from a Jazz Musician POV).

    All in all, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't what it could've been. Good luck and represent at Monterey!
  • Makin' It Happen.

    they got straight into it too..
    good luck raising the funds!
  • My best wishes to them boys!
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