TxSU Ocean Ring My Bell SCG 2010

Location: Birmingham, AL
Views: 500
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Texas Southern University Ocean of Soul Marching Band... 2010 SWAC Championship Football Game..Playing Ring My Bell!!! And they Ring the Bells of Legion Fie...

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  • I've seen your discussions. I noticed a tad one-sidedness against the Ocean this time...even when you mentioned some of the things Bama St was doing. You're preaching to the choir(though at this point I cannot play my trombone due to Bell's Palsy.) I wanted to hear it from you because....it is my alma mater. LOL And yeah, I agree the basic "gut" of most bands are missing. The answer is what's being taught or lack of in high school and middle school. Alot of "quick fixes" going on. And to be honest...lazy musicians. *shrugs shoulders

  • @ charles...im always checking other bands on this sight...a lot of structure is not in these bands anymore...im not a nitpicker or critique...everything goes back to the basic gut of a band...check out my other disscussions on this sight and let me know what u think...

  • this cant be from a video camera

  • I think it's your cell phone dude...

  • dude, I don't know if it's my phone but the audio and video is fkd up
  • Please be consistent and go to every other band video as well. Sometimes splatting, overblowing out of tune, embochure INCONSISTENCIES(not errors), lack of mature wind volume and shoddy horns are ENDEMIC to marching bands. I'm interested to see whether or not you're critiquing, or nitpicking.
  • a high note is always easy to hit vs a low note..the work comes to playing the low note..

  • when u dont take in the air u need with a lazy tounge the song willl get off-beat at a point...

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