TxSU - Remember The Time

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  • love it
  • powerful!!!!!!!!!!!!! 09
  • The OCEAN Has Returned !!!!! They blowing like the Ocean of Old!!!
  • Sounds good to me...They are clean!Trumpets sound good as well and are handling their business...
  • No offence taking its all good. Greg you right, still can't deny they pushing! and frosty you smart mouth LOL so do we.
  • that song was arranged so that you could hear the trumpets and besides they r all playing the same part.and when they r playing the rest of the band is playin mf,so they can be heard.if their f-horn section was blowing for real u would hear no tpets at all.and my comment wasnt to say they sound bad
  • and those "other" trumpet sections who have 30-45 trumpets also have split 3part harmony parts as well
  • Nice job!
  • IMO Pound for Pound TxSU has one of the best trumpets section. What other Trumpets you know pushing with just 20??? Look some other bands that have 40 -50 trumpets and you can't even here them. That, to me is Weak!
  • trumpets are weak. they take away from the value.
    otherwise it would be NICE
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