TxSU vs Alcorn - Drum Footage part 2

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  • I have to admit you speak the truth on that they have been stuck in the past but started to change last year...They have alot of new stuff and they just a new percussion instructor this year who is putting them up on alot stuff but they really did have the opportunity to show it at this game because the situation of the game...Then the band director was tripping....Also they have been playing alot of they new stuff this year but you have look at it this way to ALcorn doesnt get put out there as much as FT...so all people can see is these little half ass clips that are on here.....And if you were at the game you know they played way better stuff than what on these clips...But tell you what i will put some clips of their new stuff so people will see what they really can do....
  • alcorn skill is no where near FT im from Jackson i play for FT alcorn is stuck in the past real talk they need to get some new stuff they are to simple
  • Im going to tell the TRUTH about this clip...I maybe from alcorn but im not going to hate...i was at the game...neither section was playing their best...That was not the same FT they usually are and neither was T.O.P....both section did there thing and you cant really say who killed who just from these clips cause as far as snares there was a whole lot more that went on...Now as far as the guy saying alcorn playing high school s!@# they have much better stuff than what they played...and if you were the crab that was at the game messing up i think you need practice before u talk noise...But in the end the whole game to me was disappointing...
  • And D. Ross there u go again on the tip of the TRAIN D!CK!!!!!!!!!! I know yo jaws should be locked up by now LOL!!!!!
  • FT why do we get on here and argue with losers? Man let the sticks talk they know what it is!! HHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDDDDD UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Alcorn SUCKS AAAASSSSSSSS.... plain and simple... Band & Percussion... Yall T.O.P boiis playin det high skool azz bullshit... & yall think yall on.. You ho3s are POO..! Str8 up..! WACK..!
  • but yall snares aint cold either, them niggas play the easiest shit...and on the quints...if we woulda stood up again we wouldnt be havin this conversation. we got better shit than that we thought they was gone keep playin but i guess not .. so we said fuck it let the bands go at it. alcorn is not touchin txsu stright up
  • My nigga walt dogg dat play snare fa alcorn say dat FT snare line is poo... Dey aint ben $h!t since Josh left...??!!!
  • nigga wut u mean im in da band... i wuz watchin yal da whole time since our football team wuzn doin $h*!... an it showed jus about everythin.. except fa after halftime. an well i'll take it back dey didn kill yal but yal didnt kill ours either...
  • o and preciate you C .I. Lugo
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