Uplift trumpet

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  • Word of advice dude i use to be just like you in high school thinkin i was the shit on a schilke screamin in the bandroom, but your tone is bad and you didn't hit any of the notes without cracking, bra develop a sound dude, listen to some concert music, rather than all this bandhead.org stuff lol even though i love it and im from the N.O. but i know how music is suppose to sound, all that screamin is not called for you makin you band sound bad, if your not screamin the whole phrases whats the point of screamin at all little bits n pieces, long tones, lip slurs and and tryin playin from ur diaphram your a big dude like me so i know your pushing

    What kind of mouthpiece you play on?
  • lolz??
    wheres the double C after it...
    ol dude said fa that bull no Super Cs today
    good vid n e way
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