Walker Vs Karr 3/12/12

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Battle of the Bands at walker

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  • my honest opinionwalker gotta step all da way up,  karr keep it up..... n mcmain isnt nowhere near walker or karr #sum real shyt

  • son this dude "just wanna be better than i am" jus spoke some true ishh !

  • damn people really still talkin bout this. well i go to karr and to be honest neither of us really was bringin our ''A'' game, but yea if they want dey credit so bad i'll give it to em. 1 dat party was probably the best i ever heard it, no real big problems. 2. dat who do i turn 2 entrance was smashin, but dat was about it, da t-bones took away all the intensity of the song. but dats all dat stood out 2 me, like i said i've heard both  of us play way better.i say nobody got in nobody ass, but if i had 2 say who won i'd give it to us. it's not even from me goin to karr, i ain't scared to take dat L if i knew we deserved it but we didn't 

  • Karr won this one. Walker is getting a lil to cocky because of what they USE to be. Numbers don't do a dam thing to sound, quality, musicianship and dedication. Not saying Walker sounded bad but Karr takes the W. I see that saying still goes, "people see with their ears and hear with their eyes"

  • lol how walker gonna claim to be number 1 when St. Aug dug in they ass all parade season and was running from Karr and McMain. Judging from this clip I can see why they was running.

  • Karr got thhey JSU swagg i see.Karr trombones sound pretty good.B-tones and mellos were straight.Trumpets were not heard to me.Didnt sound like the whole tuba section was playing.D section straight but karr z line suck!!!As for Walker it was iight.Definitly not the best ive heard from them.Tall red dude on cymbols suck he look all outta sync.Walker btones carried them thru this battle.

  • karr t-bones nice lol they like the best section they got maybe the only

  • No dat aint no dam adidas dats Boombahs
  • Everybody in walker band got the same shoes?? what dem is adidas?

  • So you saying JPRD Allstars could smash Karr cause they bout 80-90 deep
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