Warren Easton- Rep Yo City 2010

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Easton- Rep Yo City 2010

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  • yea the strongest section was the trumpets...it was str8
  • yu culd tell he went to walker. dude yall mellos was cold yo year. but yu and mal dem. left dey bigg and suck..
  • Mellos was not craking
    gtf wit all dat hatin
    da whole line aint even march la homie
  • dude the song is called rep yo city by lil john and we cracking??? ok
  • man dat sounds horible mellos tryna take it up crackin no b-tones all da bones playin da same note and still weak only good sec is yall trumpets plus da song was called off to slow
  • almost forgot about the mellos
  • dis is my sound. u hear them b-tones and trumpets
  • yall arrangements need to start having harmony in the tbones and tpet section...yall have enough people to have a full colorful sound.
  • look my son desmond p. on the tuba
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