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  • @Rickey Watkins We enjoyed the entire MLK experience in Houston,My kids gained experience and had fun battling you guys.  Email me @app_photography@yahoo.com We have a April event as well. Let's schedule some things

  • @Scarface I know that I am not the best director in the world but the difference between me and these other band directors is that I am a woman. Is that what your problem is with Washington Marion that I am a woman. Because guess what I graduated in Instrumental Music Education and I work just as hard as my male counterparts. You don't see the potential in my kids only because I am a woman. You have issues that you need to get fixed.If you feel that I am doing such a bad job and you see where I neeed to improve hit me up cause I am always open for improvements, but if you don't have any keep your rude and negative comments about me to yourself.

  • @Cary We really enjoyed seeing yall kids and playing back and forth at the MLK Parade. No matter what people say both sides agreed that it a fun battle nothing personal. I am the guy that is directing the songs so if you have something to say towards the band staff please make sure your facts are correct. On another note Cary I will send the information for the botb that we talked about. What band do you work with Scarface?

  • @Bigdeezy318 Why not step to us?! We handle business just like the rest of these high school bands

  • This is a direct result of a pisspoor quality director. And that ignorant negro directing this should be ashamed of himself. See, them "folks", for centuries have claimed that we colored folk don't concentrate on quality etc etc. This band, and SO MANY others, have lived up to their claims and expectations, and embellished the lack of standards. Sad thing is how the students are buying into these morons' misdirections. It's disgusting and a damn shame. I wouldn't send my children to these mfers for ANYTHING nonetheless on the basis of MUSIC.

  • Wtf is this crap, Washington Marion. Yall come from royalty kids. Is it the director? Lazy kids? Or hard headed kids? This is sickening to watch you kids get smash by a Jr high. Why yall even step to them?
  • SMFH........

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