Willowridge High School Part 1

Location: Houston, Tx
Views: 376
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2008 Houston Veterans Day Parade

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  • Yea im WHS Alumni, size and talent has been goin down since 2004 jus wish we had more talent from Missouri City area -----(instead of them goin to other schools)
  • yea they probably do sound betta then worthing but we just keep trying to work harder REGARDLESS of what ppl say...but we'll keep that in mind thnx
  • i'm sorry not to be talking anything but they don't sound great..
    overplaying seems to be too constant..
    there's a difference between having a good loud section and a few people playing out..
    just my 2 cents
  • WHS tubas are killing it!
  • i agree but they still doin tthey thing. Along with the size means less grade A talent so sounds like the gifted students are making up for the weak spots. good job Ridge
  • yea we jus started playin all i do dis year...........i arranged some of it
  • i though they just started playin all i do this season but they do play the same parade songs every year. still sound wayy better than worthing lol no woodwinds
  • LOL... Thats kinda true, Ridge been playing them same songs since I was in HS. BUT! people must like it.
  • LMMFAO.........................................................
  • ppl getn to Worthing size an bands dont kno how to act. Willoridge went way down but i'm surprised they sound like this. i expected mo. Way More and beta. and i'm tired of tha same songs from them. they need to upgrade an play sumthin new. other than All I Do.
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