"Work Hard, Play Hard" (SWAC Comparison 2012)

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Video Created by: Bruno B. Who took over "Work Hard, Play Hard" this year??? JSU, UAPB, SU, PV, or TxSU (MORE COMPILATIONS SOON) Rate, Comment, Like/Dislike,...

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  • southern as usual. Brass sections are much stronger than everybodys else.

  • Jsu and SU
  • The Juke hands down!
  • I Only Liked TxSU and SU Version..
  • Smh
  • Not even close.....Southern hands down as usual....lmao
  • is it me or does SU and TXSU versions sound some what the same. Some parts are different but concepts are the same

  • 1. SU

    2. JSU

    3. TXSU

    4. UAPB

    5. PV

  • I can hear them pretty clear but, I'll take it into consideration. Preciate that.

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