"World Famed" Neck vs Txsu 2012

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GSU cranks neck on txsu

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  • @Travis Hayes..its not even they stadium they just using it cause they put in a couple million which is no where close to how much that stadium cost ....s/o to the dynamo (the major leauge soccer team in hou) @ Marquise after the way yall sounded at looked i would even be talking im not go even put up yall rachet ass half-time with the crooked ass ribbon just a HOTT ASS MESS ..then yall looked and marched like a middle school imitating southern plz gtf off here with that non sense ..!!!!!!! Just admit yall got yall ass busted & ppl from txsu school was recording but yall sounded so damn bad they m.i.a. any other time all yall ppl from the toilet bowl would be talking that hott ish

  • Txsu stadium nice
  • @Nasty-Bone Do you think Grambling sounded good? Even the band knows that they took a major "L". They admitted it Saturday night! Saturday, Frank wasn't there. That is why we have no clips up.
  • After How Shitty Yall Sounded & Terribble Yall Field Show was YES !!!!!!!!! thats y the clips not out u know whats up if u was there... any other time yall boys from the toilet bowl would be talking that HOTT ISH

  • can u really count this as "cranking on"???

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