da ocean vs. M4

ok who was at the botb on friday and the game on saturday....wat do yall think?who won wat?

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  • Yeah, I been waiting on unbiased reports. There are BOTB clips in the video section.
  • i kno but them clips are bad quality....i see clips on marchingnetwork.....but i dont any good quality uapb clips
  • Honestly I think UAPB got the battle on Friday by a nose hair but Txsu smashed UAPB at the game. Thats just my opinion though.
  • I heard about them smashing UAPB at the game BUT on the clips, it seemed like TSU got em at the Battle too...

    TMCPercussionist said:
    Honestly I think UAPB got the battle on Friday by a nose hair but Txsu smashed UAPB at the game. Thats just my opinion though.
  • fugg that all u see is txsu clips can sumone put all the clips
  • it was a good game one of the best I had this season, txsu was good. But we wasnt going when clips of both get up u will see the results. Nothing negative to say bout them cause im not a negative person but n on way shape and form did they smash us. It was a good battle though
  • PB toook it friday and saturday...TSU was kool..no complaints
  • i think M4 and da ocean did a great job.... gg's could have done better....the motion got them
  • i loved both the motion and the GG'S.....both squads was looking real good...
  • i see someone is biased eh?

    elias said:
    i loved both the motion and the GG'S.....both squads was looking real good...
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