school (72)

"HS" arrangements

I've heard for a few years that High Schools should not play College arrangements, but I always hear that "it's obvious that this is a HS arrangement they are playing and proves nothing."I could agree with saying not playing college arrangements some

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I am selling a silver trumpet. I has only been used about 2 or 3 time, but that's because at one time I had the zeal to learn how to play it. I'm actually a trombone player and I'm only selling this trumpet because I need the money for school and plu

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The Mitchell battle of the bands!!!!!

Mitchell will be hosting a battle of the bands at mitchell highschool on April the 17th. We would like everyone who can to come at and enjoy a show with the Marching Tiger Sound Machine. Come out and represent your school, your city, your frat or sor

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ay just wondering our Director was talking about some people possibly going to it.Has anybody on here been and what is it like?I'm worried that because there are so many people that will go it's not going to be very individual is that true to an exte

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High School trying to convert

my high school band wants to add the show style technique to its already corps style program. Band director refuses so the members are forming a petition. What are some of the pros and cons of trying to have both styles of marching in one marching ba

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