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Bayou Classic Parade

●      The Bayou Classic Thanksgiving Day Parade is the start of a new Bayou Classic and Thanksgiving Day tradition in New Orleans.

●      The theme of the parade is “My Bayou Classic Salutes HBCUs.”

●      The parade will start at 4 pm on Poydras Stre

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Still in the playoffs

Who taking them state championships? This school aint got no showband but them Winnfield Tigers pretty strong in that 2A La. Them Alexandria trojans still in that thang too! Im happy cause central la aint just known for they football but that bball g

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Houston MLK

Let's set the record straight. MLK stood for unity and solidarity and after many years of discussion, the band directors of Houston have decided to act in a unified manner for the MLK festivities. As of now, there are 3 parades and 1 Battle of the Ba

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Kudos to the Marching Motion!

Congrats to the Jack Yates High School Marching Motion Band. I'm the first critic to point out the band's issues, but man enough to applaud the band for the great improvements over this season. Yates was the leader of HISD black bands this year vs. b

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To All Video Viewers

Do you guys like videos in parts or just everything in one video?

I ask because I remember back when I uploaded a video that was over 30 minutes some people had trouble watching it because of how long it was but now i'm seeing more and more people upl

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Financing a H.S BOTB

Are there any people with experience with putting on a H.S BOTB?

If so how did you raise money for such an event? I want to do something for about 5 or 6 h.s bands. I'm not sure if I want to use a schools system's stadium or catholic or private school

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