No matter how much trash talk that has been tossed up about them boys, I'm always interested in what those boys will bring to the table every year. What is your opinion on the matter, or what do you think they will bring this year?
As stated in another topic, this battle did not take place due to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, but after watching some 05 clips, I think this battle would have been EPIC! Of cource we can't turn back time or relive the past but I
This Article features Stephen F. Austin High School Sonic Boom Marching Band and The Worthing Marching 100. Two of the top programs in the city. Congrats to both groups for keeping it going through adversities.
Who has footage??? I forgot the name of that battle of the bands but it happened I believe October 2001 or October 2002. It was in Baton Rouge and basically all of the Baton Rouge area bands were there, along with Beau Chene, Northwest, Washington Ma
When S.U. and L.S.U both won their championship games in like 01 or 02 and there was a parade called "The Parade of Champions" where both teams and bands marched downtown Baton Rouge to the state capitol and played the "Star Spangled Banner" together
Istrouma High will host its 2nd annual battle of the bands.. if you missed the first one then this one is for you, both local and out of town bands will be in attandance. This event will take place October 23,2010 at 6:30. For more information contac
So it is offical there will be a Labor Day Classic Battle of the Bands @ PVAMU on FRIDAY September 3, 2010. Time 7:30pm tickets price is 10 pre-sale and 15 at the door. ALL Proceeds go to the PVAMU AND TSU Marching Bands.
For a little while now, I have been very interested in OLD SCHOOL HBCUBands...(esp GSU JSU and Alcorn)....and i was just watching some clipsand its AMAZING to me how much these bands have changed. Not all in badways. Just change.....Check out these C
Registration for Louisiana Leadership Institute Marching Band Registration for the school year will be held at the Institute August 14 (9 AM to 1 PM) This registration is also for the Starlettes and other educational programs hosted by the Institute