Ring My Bell

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  • LMAO at Danny head.. I was there

    EA.. .Did you know that SU didnt want to Nate Haymers Arrangements Originally because they felt he'd bring WM's arrangements? . lol im just letting u know

    How about in 2002 of NCA&T playing An Arrangement that KENNEDY played in 1999 ..LOL .. im just saying. Its more about where the Arranger sends his work. not about Who Got what from where..
  • I gotta admit............U right.
  • you do know reed is playing tsu arrangement rite also they playin with the same power dude trust reed wouldn't do anything and in 04 reed was like a powerful baby ocean cause most of there songs came from tsu
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SkvVhnYfJU this is the answer to TSU ring my bell......this is Reed playing it.. a high school in New Orleans.. copy and past and listen and you'll see why i say TSU would get str8 fucked ova slippin like that against New Orleans High School Bands.. str8 up
  • lmao...you gotta be kiddin me.. this a college??? i can't believe how advanced New Orleans high schools is... can someone please do a comparison between New Orleans High school bands and some of these college bands playin the same songs... like play Reed ring my bells next to this.. and do others.. if i knew how alll that is done i wouda beeeeen done comparisons.. this a cryin shame man
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