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How would this sound?

There are 9 schools in the MEAC and 10 in the SWAC.During the summer the athletic directors of each university meets up at a mutual location and have a meeting.In the meeting, there is a selection process that goes on.The MEAC have won the toss up, s

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78 Replies

Drilling BOOM Bands!!!!

In your opinion what was one of the best drilling BOOM band???!!!!To me it's that 1982 band. Step 2's mixed in with step 1's during the same drill, up tempo systematic consistency at it's finest. 87 and 88 get sum honorable mention.*if sumone can pos

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9 Replies

Labor Day Classic 2009

I know its early,but there's nothing to talk about,so lets get it started.So what yall think is going down this yr.What questions will be answerd?Is the Storm about to get Super Loud like they was in the earley part of 05Is the Ocean getting they num

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46 Replies

Rip Gerald "frosty" Payne

Gerald Payne Mighty Marching HornetKappa Kappa Psi EG chapterarr for Miles Collegehas passed away due to complications from a prolonged illness....please keep his family the Mighty Marching Hornet family and the PMM family in your prayers

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14 Replies

Morehouse 2009 Schedule

So here is the scedule for Morehouse in 2009August29 Benedict College*Atlanta, GA 7:00 PMSeptember5 Fort Valley State Univ.*Atlanta, GA 7:00 PM12 Kentuky State Univ.*Frankfort, KY 7:00 PM19 Lincoln UniversityJefferson City, MO 2:00 PM26 OPENOctober03

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14 Replies

Priorities of Performance

What is your (or your band's, IF you march) top priority in performance on the field and in the stands?Field:EnergyTradition/"Consistency"Precision/Music, marching and dancing uniformity and integrityApplauseStands:"Energy"/powerMusical IntegrityCrow

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29 Replies

This should be funny!!

Ok we (The Boom Alumni/Current) all know that when its a home game in Memorial we try to get there b4 the other band... Since SU so called had us off step in 1997, but its footage to prove it was Ok SU is the home team in memorial this yr,

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