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in your opinionwould you like your director to become a specialist in all areas?[i.e. percussion, brass, woodwinds]or to understand all areas with a more major specialty in a single area?I believe it is already required that one know all of these but

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2 Replies

A comparative study of Maybach Music!

So I was on youtube listening and heard saw different ones arguing about who has the best version of the year. Now I do admit that some have things that others dont but the question is WHO HAS THE BETTER VERSION?consider arrangement and power/control

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26 Replies

Christmas List

We all have our personal Christmas lists (i want that new batmobile)........but what if bands had Christmas lists?????Well I would want M4 to get an indoor practice facility as seen below..........

And our own personal Boeing 767 to make traveling lon

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50 Replies

MLK and Galv Mardi Gras?

Its early and i know bands are ready to show their stuff at these upcoming events..who wants to battle who etc...?as for whs: nobody, if we seen you in football season then more than likely a battle will not happen at this point with us. focus is som

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158 Replies

Stands or Halftime

Aight check this fam....i was at my barbershop (and at my shop band is like a religon) when my old buddy glenn from vally came in. So we started to talk about the season and of course we came to a disagreement. We argeed about wat the fans really com

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