We all know about HS All-American showcases like the mcDonalds All-American Basketball game and the U.S. Army HS Football All-Star game and Under Armor, where a bunch of HS seniors play in these games to strut their skills and at the same time choosi
Yall not messin with me on the music tip son. Band music aside, does anyone have a music playlist that fuggin with mines? I didn't think so.*drops mic and walks off the stage*
Witness two of the best student arrangers in the SWAC go at it right here. Set to go down around 5pm, the best battle in Bandhead.org history is on the way.Credentials:Guy BouldinCrabbed 2006 at Prairie View A&MSection leader 2009Student Director 200
Annual All-Star HBCU band event...25 bandsmen/8 dancers from each school in the conference...BD's choicecomplete field show....All jump in and add more ideas to make it a world-class event
in your opinionwould you like your director to become a specialist in all areas?[i.e. percussion, brass, woodwinds]or to understand all areas with a more major specialty in a single area?I believe it is already required that one know all of these but
Lol "Congratulations.. now you can Legally Talk Some smack..lol.. that boy erned some SWAC Hours, ..(even tho its he's blurred that's him to your right)
Istrouma High Presents, Its First Annual Drum Battle:This event will take place on January 23, 2010 at 4p.m. to 8p.m. inside the Istrouma High Gymnasium. This will be the biggeset event in the city. Admission is only $7.00. If anyone is interested in
Istrouma High Presents, Its First Annual Drum Battle:This event will take place on January 23, 2010 at 4p.m. to 8p.m. inside the Istrouma High Gymnasium. This will be the biggeset event in the city. Admission is only $7.00. If anyone is interested in
So I was on youtube listening and heard saw different ones arguing about who has the best version of the year. Now I do admit that some have things that others dont but the question is WHO HAS THE BETTER VERSION?consider arrangement and power/control
We all have our personal Christmas lists (i want that new batmobile)........but what if bands had Christmas lists?????Well I would want M4 to get an indoor practice facility as seen below..........
And our own personal Boeing 767 to make traveling lon
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Its early and i know bands are ready to show their stuff at these upcoming events..who wants to battle who etc...?as for whs: nobody, if we seen you in football season then more than likely a battle will not happen at this point with us. focus is som
Now Usually I don't care for these national lists, because they never have Normal Public Schools it's always Schools that accept a special breed of kids. Although Townview is one of those types of schools Finally They List a School I can Relate to.&
Been itching to post this. NAH! This isn’t directed towards any school in particular, which is why I am posting it anonymously. That way no sides are taken.But keeping it short… Some schools have placed an “originality” stamp on something they didn’t
Istrouma High Presents, Its First Annual Drum Battle:This event will take place on January 23, 2010 at 4p.m. to 8p.m. inside the Istrouma High Gymnasium. This will be the biggeset event in the city. Admission is only $7.00. If anyone is interested in
Aight check this fam....i was at my barbershop (and at my shop band is like a religon) when my old buddy glenn from vally came in. So we started to talk about the season and of course we came to a disagreement. We argeed about wat the fans really com