Arkansas All star Alumni band "Love Saw it" 2012

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King Of The Mid-South Battle Of The Bands Arkansas Alumni All-Star Band vs. Memphis Mass Band Click 720 for HQ

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  • OK......I'm not gonna continue to play this childish game of "Tag" with you anymore.....Only a fool would try to hold up your end of this convo.........the evidence that it is a piss poor Transcription(copy)of someone else's arrangement is inevitable. Sadly you continue to misunderstand my point. Firstly,might we throw the thought of even comparing this song to the original record because it is irrelevant.....southerns arrangement was never arranged exactly like the song/(Study your facts) every thing from the bass line to the melody was arranged to fit knightens liking....yet most of his ideas seem to have made it into this "Arrangement".  it is plain to see that if you compare southerns version  to this one that most of the "Counter melodies" are the same...and it is very slim that both arrangers think that much alike to  have come up with some thing that inst even in the original song. maybe you should listen a little more closely and not try to state incorrect sure you dont need the Definition to "counter melody" .........sure hope your not a music major if you do.....

  • No I didn't miss ur point "melodic genius". . . lol I heard what u said but it still doesn't mean anything. U said u are an arranger right?, then u should know about the power of the pen. An arranger can choose to put in, take out or do wtf they want with a song. Talking bout do my homework, I've done it. Heard both Southern's and the original version plenty of times. A song is not limited to what southern put on paper and that it. Your first thought was to compare it to southern which was wrong but if u would have compared it to the Original Song, u might have some leverage. See I know ur type lol, ones who say a bunch of BS trying to justify that they know something lol. Tragic! And from arranger to u, I see where u were going but the band on this clip is not southern and the arrangement was not theirs. End of story
  • Well Guy from UAPB....your totally missing the point of my comment. The arrangement of love saw it that you're hearing in this clip is just a "TRANSCRIPTION"(Pull you dictionary out) of southerns arrangement. You can listen to the song your self sir....if this was an original arrangement there's no way that this song would be as close as it is to southerns arrangement. And this is spoken from an arrangers point of has the same counter melodies and cant just change a couple of rhythms and call it your own...NEXT TIME DO YOUR HOMEWORK.....   

  • Trumpets could have been a little stronger during the melody, but other than that, it wasn't too bad!

  • I think the song sounded pretty good! Some of the band members just forgot about sounding good and wanted to try to match the sound of the other band. I was actually there. If they remember that balance is the key, it would sound so much better. Don't get me wrong! You good sounded really good the whole note. That's just something I wanted to point out.

  • Ok I think u over analyzing a song. Dude as great as Mr Knighten was, southern still plays an ARRANGEMENT of love saw it. They didn't create this song sir. And if chords were changed in THIS arrangement, why does it matter? I had to take 3 tylenol after reading yo dumb ass comment. Music nor life itself was invented at Southern University. Next?
  • I didn't hear any trumpets
  • This is..............SAD!!! If your gonna transcribe a song you heard southern play, a song that was arranged by the late Carnell Knighten,maybe you should have at least copied it correctly. I mean....the chords aren't even correct....smh. You guys completely destroyed this song. I literally had to take a Tylenol 3 after listening to this mess. its more like "LOVE SAW ME COMMIT SUICIDE"......................................................

  • You can only play what a director pulls for you to play. Plus, it's just a damn All-Star band. Negroes and their damn reaching for something that isn't there.

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