2012 CAU Spring Band Brawl will be held on Saturday, April 28 at 3:00 PM at Panther Stadium on the campus of Clark Atlanta University. For more information, check out the commercial spot:
I've been noticing all these High school band camps for colleges have been popping up everywhere one at Southern,FAMU and Bethune but I want to know is Jackson state having one ? If so where can i get some information to go?
Is it me or Sweac Drills arrangers have been kinda suckish recently.....I'm not saying that they suck in general but like from this past fall till the current time they're arrangements have been far from par.....just saying
Stephen F. Austin is tentatively scheduling a Cinco De Mayo Kickoff Battle of the Bands here at our school on May 4th @ 6pm. The current listing of bands is:
The Tallahassee Police Department released new video of interviews conducted this past February. The videos show two students, Jamon Green and Jamaal Nicholas who were pledges for Kappa Kappa Psi fraternity back
So....we all have had that moment in the band, where the band is working so hard and......then comes this critical....critical old head......or old heads. Talkin foolishness...."when I was in the band" and nothing can go right. To my class of 08 fam,
if u were a band director at your favorite band or who u march for or a band who has been down what would u change. EXAMPLE: if i was director at jsu i would bring all crabs and upper classmen to band camp at the same time an start with the basics of
Being that this is a forum, what ever threads get replied to, will get shifted to the top of the forum unlike a blog entry which is only remains in its dated position . I understand that you all are looking for certain subjects before you decide to m
Honestly this is my favorite song right now and I know everybody hears potential instrumentation. I honestly can't write any music (I've never tried) but I was wondering if anybody has and would be willing to post. Just for my and possibly others, mu